Should I Have My Oceanside Vehicle Inspection Done by DMV
Vehicle inspection is a process mandated by federal or subnational authorities in most countries, where a vehicle is periodically inspected to ensure that it adheres to regulations governing performance, emissions, or both, as well as to prevent damage. Oceanside vehicle inspection is required in different ways, e.g., on the transfer of ownership of a vehicle, periodically, or while on standby. Under federal law, every vehicle must undergo an inspection before sale. Some states have statutory laws that require manufacturers and sellers to provide such inspections, regardless of whether the vehicles are sold or not. A service station that sells new vehicles must perform an Oceanside vehicle inspection every year of commercial operation, provided the service station is certified by the Department of Transportation.
An Oceanside vehicle inspection, performed by trained personnel, helps to identify any problems that might affect safety. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration reports that more than 1.3 million deaths occurred in 2021, resulting in a loss of life for every four hundred thousand vehicle miles traveled. Of these fatalities, nearly a hundred were due to emissions concerns, which the auto industry has been required to address since the 1970 Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards Act (FMVSA) was enacted. In 2021, the Clean Air Act contained a mandate for vehicles to be inspected for safety on the road, but the law does not apply to auto repair shops unless those services are performed by an accredited third-party insurer.
Automotive repair shops must first perform an on-site vehicle inspection to determine what if any, emissions concern the vehicle may possess. Emissions testing is typically part of the service contract, an auto shop offers to car owners. After the vehicle inspection, the shop then performs a carbon monoxide emission test, also known as a CMC. If the auto shop determines there are emissions concerns, they inform the car owner and perform the emissions test before scheduling the vehicle inspection. Both inspections are performed at the same time to get a more accurate assessment of what if any, further maintenance or repairs will be needed. After the Oceanside vehicle inspection, the car owner can schedule either the same or a different emissions test.
Many people believe that private companies have better integrity than government agencies, but this is not true. All car manufacturers have recalled and run recalls periodically, and government agencies do have resources for investigating vehicle safety issues. Private vehicle inspections are conducted by trained professionals who follow set procedures and protocols to help identify problem areas. Government agencies cannot guarantee the accuracy of their findings. For instance, it is unlikely that a government agency would find the source of a fire that destroyed a vehicle traveling down the highway without using a radar gun or infrared technology. Private vehicle inspections are frequently performed with much more frequency, and most private companies use modern technology to determine the cause of a problem.
Some car owners and fleet managers believe that it is not cost-effective to have yearly vehicle inspections. They also point out that annual inspections do not give the driver any training in safety or in maintaining the vehicles on the road. They also argue that government agencies provide a much higher safety rating by performing annual safety inspections. If cost is the deciding factor for having a safety inspection, then perhaps you should consider having your safety inspection performed only when something serious happens.
As illustrated, it is best to consult a professional to make sure that you have a reliable Oceanside vehicle inspection. For many people, the yearly car inspection becomes just too tedious. One option to save some time with a reliable DMV is to schedule it for every year instead of every five years as recommended by the DMV. This may seem like a minor detail, but it can make a big difference in your car insurance premiums.
Leave these to a Pro. Here at Golden Wrench Automotive, we have ASE-certified technicians who will ensure your Oceanside vehicle inspection. Call us at (760)940-6060 to schedule your complete vehicle inspection.